ReverseVNC 1.0

by illwill

Released in July 2005

239kb VNC dropper that will have the vnc server connectback to you on the ip::port you set.
good for tech who need to remotely administrate a client who is behind a router.
not really a trojan because the person will see the tray icon and you moving their mouse :/
get the tight vnc viewer
set it to listen  vncviewer -listen
make sure you have the appropriate port forwarded on your router

open the editor.exe
[...] browse for the server
read the settings
input your ip::port (make sure u have ::)
write new settings
send to customer


dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\VNCHooks.dll    Size: 29,696 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\winvnc.exe      Size: 242,148 bytes 

tested on Windows XP
April 11, 2006
