
by Cyberpunk

Released in April 2000

For OS/2

RHS     - this is a trojan which can be placed on a victims machine, just copy
          RHS.EXE an EPWRNA.EXE (a Portmapper) to the victims machine and start
          RHS. a bind programm to attach it to another file also comes soon...
RNC     - this is the client to use from the attacker site, you are able to :
          ping, boot, msg, get file and execute a program.
          more feature will follow soon...		
Other Tools included:

DNSSCAN - this scanner scans a range of ip's for presents and resolves hostname
TCPSCAN - a classical connect() scanner for TCP service ports
UDPSCAN - scans UDP service ports (try to scan 2 times, to trust the result of
          the scan, coz udpscan isn't that sure technic to resolve UDP-Services.
          SYN or FIN scan are mucho better technics - coming soon too... =;O)
NBPING  - Netbios pinger, searches for the presents of a netbios machine and
          prints out some info about this one...
all the toolz require MPTS STACK : WRG8610		  		    

Size: 35 KB
