Server Admin Tool 2.0 (a)

by AGM65

Written in Visual Basic

Released in September 2000

more versions

Server Features:
'sends all the dial ups & cached passwords
 per icq pager message or email
'the ctrl+alt+del list is disabled
'checks if the connection is avaiable,
 reloops all 5 mins if the user is offline
'sends also ip and hostname
'copies itself to the win/system dir
'windows registy start
'completly invisible

Server Admin Tool Manuel:
1. Select the server.exe file.
2. Oress Read Server
3. Enter your Icq Uin abd or email addy
   into the textbox called "Icq Number" or "email".
4. Click on the "Change File" button to change
   the Uin or email addy.
5. Don't 4 get to REGISTER then we can code tools
   u really want ! :] :]

Antigen Manuel:
Run the Antigen to remove the trojan.



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