SA Downloader Lite 1.0

by r3L4x

Written in Visual Basic

Released in April 2003

more versions

SA Downloader LITE by r3L4x v1.0
(Simpe Ass) downloader
simply run the editor, select the server
and click the read button. Set the file of 
where to download from. Dont forget the http!
the file can be what ever extention you want
it to be since it will rename it to exe once 
it has been downloaded.This is useful since some
free hosts dont allow certain file types to
be uploaded. All downloads goto the 
root directory and is deleted upon execution

packed with UPX it comes out to be ~7kb 

the LITE server has no extra features 
such as FW kill since it was made purely
to be as small as possible.


size: 20.480 bytes

