Shadow Nanny 2.0
(IM-Worm.Win32.Pykse.v for SNServer.exe)

by Gabriel Rage

more versions

 Shadow Nanny v2.0
 Copyright (C) 2007 Anton Smolin aka "Gabriel Rage".
 All rights reserved.

 Shadow Nanny is mass remote control software, which gives you
 great abilities to control hundreds of computers! With this
 utility easy to shutdown many computers at one time! Or you
 may send informative messages over your network, check if
 computer is online and more other things!
 IP List: list of IP addresses of computers for which selected
 operation will be executed, you can add single IP, add range of
 IPs, remove IPs or clear full list.
 Timeout: there are three types of timeouts:
 "Internal" - timout on client between operations,
 "External" - timeout on server before processing operation,
 "Network" - network timeout for sending and receiving commands.
 "Report Back" - if this flag is set, server will report back on
 receiving operations.
 "Write Log" - if this flag is set, "log.txt" file will be written.
 "Echo" - this operation checks all addresses in IP List and gives
 you information on current active computers.
 "Edit Profiles" - with this operation you can create new, delete,
 load and save profiles - files with your own parameters selected.
 "Caption" - caption of the message
 "Text" - text of the message
 "Type" - icon of the message
 "Send" - sends message on all addresses in IP List
 "Operation" - file operation
 "File" - file name
 "Parameters" - file parameters
 "Directory" - file directory
 "Show" - show method of executing file
 "Execute" - send execution command on all addresses in IP List

 Stop: stops all active operations

 This program is very useful for system administrators to advance
 their work on large networks.

size: 24,064 bytes

port: 50000 UDP

Tested on Windows XP
October 29, 2008
