Slh RAT Beta

by SantasDad

Released in August 2006

more versions

Slh - Beta

Cusomizable Server Timeout
Coloured Ping Status
Coloured Webcam Status
Coloured Inactivity Status
Every Server Has Own Profie
Skin CLient
Ban Hosts
Local Window Manager
Connection Manager

Create Server
  -Multiple Hostname\Port
  -Offline Key Logger
  -Registry Run Current User
  -Registry Run Local Machine
  -Regidtry Run Active X
File Manager
  -File Filter
  -Download Folder
  -Download Many Files At Once
  -Complete Folder Mirroring
  -File Transfer Monitor Window
  -Prview Downloads 
  -Create Directory
  -Save Pending Transfers

System Information
  -Customizable Script
  -Save To File
System Manager
  -Task Manager
    -End Process
    -Module Manager
      -Load Module
      -Unload Module
  -Window Manager
    -Get Child Windows
    -Not Topmost
    -Send Text
    -Change Caption
    -Capture Window
    -Close Window
    -End Process
    -Show Only Visible/Hidden/Both or No Windows
  -Application Manager
    -Close Window
    -End Process

Key Logger
  -Online/Offline Logger
  -Save To File

File Search
  -Customizble File Filter
  -Fuzzy Search

Screen Capture
  -Png Compression

Webcam Capture
  -Png Compression

Message Box
System Power
  -Log Off

size: 122,368 bytes

tested on Windows XP
September 05, 2006
