Spy Agent 1.2

by AliCaNelKa

Written in Delphi

Released in July 2007

Made in Turkey

more versions

Password Stealer for
    * MSN Messenger
    * Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
    * Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP And Vista)
    * Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
    * Google Talk
    * ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003
    * AOL Instant Messenger (only older versions, the password in newer versions of AIM cannot be recovered)
    * AOL Instant Messenger/Netscape 7
    * Trillian
    * Miranda
    * GAIM 

Dropped Files:
c:\WINDOWS\Amcam13.ini     Size: 14 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\ayar.ini        Size: 105 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\openssl.cnf     Size: 9,374 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\services.ini    Size: 99 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\winlogon.exe    Size: 426,102 bytes 

Added to Registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "System"
Data: \windows\winlogon.exe 

Tested on Windows XP
September 25, 2007
