Tiny 3.0
(Backdoor.Win32.Small.ec for tiny.exe)
(Backdoor.Win32.Small.es for userinit.dll)

by White Scorpion

Written in Assembler, source included

Released in August 2005

Made in The Netherlands

more versions

Tiny v3.0

Tiny is a small backdoor which installs itself in stealth and can be removed again by 
connecting to it and chosing the correct option from the menu.

Connect to Tiny using netcat since Tiny won't allow you to enter the password using telnet.

default port is: 63714
password: 	Tiny

just doubleclick tiny.exe and tiny will install itself.

White Scorpion

dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\system32\Explorer.exe    Size: 5,632 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.dll    Size: 7,680 bytes 

port: 63714 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon "Shell"
old data: Explorer.exe 
new data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\explorer.exe 

tested on Windows XP
September 28, 2005
