TotalControl 1.0

by xPOKA376x

Written in Visual Basic

Released in June 2002

Do not open the .exe!!!! Send this to the person you want to hack and when
they open it.....You can send your commands through messenger to them
and the the .exe will do it to their computer and then send u a message back
saying that it has done it.  This program was made by xPOKA376x and has been
tested on 2 people.  Some commands may not work but I will try and fix them in
the next version.  This is only version 1.0 and is only made for people who
just want to have fun with someones computer but not by doing any damage.
This program has been programed to add it self to start up.  It also runs in the 
back ground pretending to be named "windows update".  Hope you enjoy
and here are the commands:

 /running                    = tells u if the program is running 
 /disablemouse          = Will disable their mouse
 /disablekeys             = disables their keyboard            
 /ip                              = tells you their IP             
 /statusonline             = changes their status to online                
 /statusbusy               = their status turns busy         
 /statusoffline             = they will appear offline      
 /statusaway               = changes their status to away      
 /signout                      = Signs them out off messenger               
 /massmessage           =  tells everyone on their messenger that they are gay                     
 /shutdown                 = shuts down their computer                               
 /cdopen                      = opens their CD tray              
 /name                         = deletes their name and leaves it blank
 /hidetask                    = hides their task bar
 /flood                         = offline/online flood on their messenger
 /message                   = opens up IE and takes them too Haines Message Board

size: 45,056 bytes

tested on Windows XP
December 26, 2005
