XTD 1.0

by XT

Written in Visual Basic

Released in May 2005

1.)What is XTD?
XTD is a Distributed Denial Of Service application

2.)How do I use XTD?
XTD is very simple to use all you have to do is open XTD and build a server then send it to couple people.

3.)How many bots should i use?
I would recommend 500-1000.

4.)Why not use more then 1000 bots?
You shouldent use more then 1000 bots because it will slow down the loading of the attack.


dropped file:
size: 64,425 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Sys32Update"
data: C:\Windows\sys32update.exe 

tested on Windows XP
May 16, 2005
