Program | Description | Size | Pic |
Ass Sniffer 1.0.1 | Finds infected IP`s | 32 | Y |
AVP Signature Offset Finder (0.1.7) | This tool will help you to find what signature/position AVP uses for detecting viruses, worms and trojans. By SennaSpy | 28 | N |
Bintextscan | Binary Text Scan | 83 | N |
Blue Screen | Simulates feared blue NT screen | 24 | N |
Bound File Extractor | turn a bound file back into separate files | 8 | N |
Creaser | Adds bytes to files | 15 | N |
Cokegift | Joke program, opens Cd Rom | 130 | N |
Connecter 1.0 | let you connect to a computer and gather information about your connection to it. | 14 | Y |
Dropper Maker | Dropper Source Generator 0.1 | 23 | Y |
Elza 1.4.7 beta | Elza is a script language, that allows you to write simple scripts that mimic HTTP clients,grabs dial up pw | 84 | N |
E-mail Edition | batches in exe | 56 | N |
Exe Scan | Detects packers, converters, compilers | 70 | N |
Fake Trojans | No danger, just for fun, no permanent infection | X | Y |
Fruitcake Trojan Redirector 0.9.3 | To catch commands that are exchanged between client and server | 22 | Y |
Fuck Icq | by HeLLfiReZ | 7 | N |
Fyodor Tools | Top 50 Tools | x | Y |
Gravedad | Flips the screen | 2 | N |
Happy Browser | Browser that looks for the most common security related vulnerabilities on NT-Servers (including Win95/98/2000), and give the user a lot of useful hints for exploiting or fixing them. | 280 | N |
Hostile Java | Hostile Java | x | Y |
Icon Plus | Changes icons | 27 | N |
ICQ Info | Reads out information stored in ICQ .DAT files. It works for ICQ 99a/b and 2000a | 220 | N |
Lobo | launches a "counter-attack" against scanning you for Back Orifice | x | N |
Hotmail-exploit | JavaScript exploit | 1 | N |
MSADC Trojan text | Trojan Run Script by bansh33 of r00tabega | 2 | Y |
Netbuster 1.31 | Fake NB server | X | Y |
Netbus Buster Buster 1.0 | by Leebros | 66 | N |
Netbus Pro 2.x Cracker | Turns off logging, by Int_13h | 17 | Y |
Netbus Fake Window | by Stinger | 158 | N |
NetCrusher 1.0 | Netbuster kill | 47 | N |
Network Administrators Tool | Network Administrators Tool for Analyzing and Sniffer Win2000 | 188 | N |
NT RootKit | RootKits | X | N |
Exploit Scan for Mirc | by HeLLfiReZ | 221 | N |
Osiris 1.3.0 | It notices changes in files. NT and Unix | 336 | N |
POF | Passive OS fingerprinting tool version 1.7 | 15 | N |
Port Blocker | Blocks and logs acces attempts | 183 | N |
Project X2.0 | Fake RM logon | 24 | N |
Registry by SennaSpy | How to change .exe, .com, .pif and .bat files entries in the registry | 11 | N |
RID | remote intrusion detector | 120 | N |
RIP211 | MIRC Tool ans scanner | 7 | N |
Root Shell | by Stinger | 136 | N |
Sniffers | Link to Network Sniffers Unix | x | Y |
Sniffers and PortScanners | Link | x | Y |
SniffME | Win 95/98 Packet Sniffer by PhilippP | 54 | N |
Spider 1.16 | See and remove hidden URL`s | 325 | N |
Stealth Proxy | Stealth Proxy | 294 | Y |
Stealth Tools | Stealth Tools | X | Y |
Swlabs | Virus Trojan Creator | 195 | N |
TCP Tool | by Rhino9 | 16 | N |
TelDetect | Find out victim`s patch | 158 | Y |
Telnet Server Faker | Fake Telnet Server | 24 | Y |
The Saint 1.0 | Fkke Sub7 | 205 | Y |
TOP 50 Security Tools | By Insecure.org | X | Y |
Trojan Port Activator 1.05 | by Stinger | 158 | Y |
TrayPing 141 | Ping to see if remote is online | 886 | N |
UIN to IP | Finds IP from UIN by PhilippP | 18 | N |
Warning | Simulates any error message | 28 | Y |
Windows NT Root Kit | Registry hiding and exe redirection | X | Y |
Winzapper | A tool that selectively erases event records from the Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 security log | 29 | N |
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