Leeching Policy

Reason behind this policy...Recently we have been more than ever witnessing a lot of leeching of our files texts and news. The webmaster puts hours daily into this site everyday. It is a personal insult, for you to steal news and or files, with out giving propper credit. There are few sites like ours that are for the public, in which news and files are updated with daily.

You are leeching if...
- You copy our news links everyday without giving us recognition
- You copy our texts or screen shots of programs with out giving recognition
- You modify and try to pass Megasecurity's work as your own.

Note- We don't fuck around.. We take our site seriously and it is serious when you copy or leech anything from our site. You will be promptly e mailed with a polite request to give us recognition that it is our research or work. If you refuse or do not answer with in 42 hours of the e mail being sent.
We will then post the e mail publically on your forums and on irc servers if you have them. If this fails and you continue to update with our news or information. We will release a paper on our site discussing you, you will be put in the hall of shame, along with your e mail and any contact information, your host will be included in our hall of shame. The hall of shame is a global database of sites who leech.
We will contact your hosts if you are using angelfire you will be TOS'd by us. If your legally hosted your host will still be contacted and notified about your leeching.
If this all fails then you have violated all terms and we will do_anything_nessacary to termanite your site. This should be taken as a threat fore this is no joke to us.

Terms of Recognition
Link to our site
Email address
Our URL in the paper or next to
Any overall acknowledgement of our site supplying you with the information program or other.

Written by Doc for Megasecurity