Trojan Information Archive
With KAV Detection Names
Trojan | Description | Size | Pic |
Pacific Star | Remote Access | 127 | Y |
Packet Rat | Information Stealer | 127 | Y |
Padmin 0.8 | Remote Access | 97 | Y |
Padonok | Remote Access | X | Y |
PA HAC | Remote Access | X | Y |
PaijoaoLogger | Information Stealer | 415 | Y |
Pain RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pakes | Remote Access | 107 | Y |
PalinGenesis | Remote Access | 1885 | Y |
Pal KeyLogPro | Remote Access | 1262 | Y |
PalSpy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Paltalk trojan | Remote Access | 1342 | Y |
Paltalk Remote Spy | Remote Access | 164 | Y |
Pandora | Remote Access | 106 | Y |
Pararoot | Remote Access | 702 | Y |
Parasite | Remote Access | 342 | Y |
Pardillo | Remote Access | 2 | Y |
Pasana | Remote Access | 320 | Y |
Passive Killer | Webdownloader | 57 | Y |
Passive Micro | Webdownloader | 60 | Y |
Passive Terror | Webdownloader | X | Y |
PassSpy | Information Stealer | 40 | Y |
PassStealer | Information Stealer | X | Y |
PassTool | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Password | Remote Access | X | Y |
PasswordAngel | Information Stealer | 308 | Y |
Password Cracker | Trojan | 488 | Y |
Password Devil | Information Stealer | 312 | Y |
Password H4x0r | Information Stealer | X | Y |
PassWord Mailer | Information Stealer | X | Y |
PassWord Ripper | Information Stealer | 361 | Y |
Password Sender Yahoo | Information Stealer | 18 | Y |
PasswordsSender | Information Stealer | 388 | Y |
Passwort Fake | Remote Access | 280 | Y |
Paszczus | Remote Access | X | Y |
PC Activity Monitor | Information Stealer | 596 | Y |
PcClient | Remote Access | 15 | Y |
PCrasher | Remote Access | 140 | Y |
PC Invader | Remote Access | X | Y |
PC Kontrol | Remote Access | X | Y |
pcLog | Information Stealer | X | Y |
PCN | Information Stealer | 342 | Y |
PCO CTRL | Remote Access | 216 | Y |
PC Remote 4.0 beta | Remote Access | 739 | Y |
PcShare | Remote Access | X | Y |
PC Spy | Remote Access | X | Y |
PCView | Remote Access | X | Y |
PC Xplorer | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
PDownloader | Webdownloader | 65 | Y |
Peanut Brittle | Remote Access | 17 | Y |
Peep | Remote Access | X | Y |
Peeper | Remote Access | X | Y |
Peeper1st | Remote Access | 1497 | Y |
Peers | Remote Access | X | Y |
Penis | Remote Access | X | Y |
Penrox server | Remote Access | 25 | Y |
PenTest | Remote Access | 59 | Y |
PenTester | Remote Access | 786 | Y |
Perfect Keylogger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Performer | Remote Access | 519 | Y |
Permanent Download | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Pest | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pet | Remote Access | 182 | Y |
Petala | Remote Access | 103 | Y |
Pex | Remote Access | 451 | Y |
Phantom | Remote Access | X | Y |
PhatBot | Remote Access | 59.722 | Y |
PhaseZero | Remote Access | X | Y |
Phi FWB Bypass | Webdownloader | 278 | Y |
Philix | Remote Access | 26 | Y |
Phineas Phucker | Remote Access | 399 | Y |
Phoenix II | Remote Access | X | Y |
Phoenix | Remote Access | X | Y |
PhotoMuma | Webdownloader | 49 | Y |
PiaoYes | Remote Access | X | Y |
Picture Trojan | Remote Access | 877 | Y |
Pig | Remote Access | 128 | Y |
Pilot | Remote Access | 967 | Y |
Pinch | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Ping | Remote Access | X | Y |
Ping Door | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pinkle | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pink Pigeon | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pinochet | Remote Access | X | Y |
Piper | Remote Access | 1 | Y |
Pipes | Remote Access | 9 | Y |
Pirat Bar | Remote Access | 1037 | Y |
Pirate | Remote Access | 349 | Y |
Pitfall | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pixcher Bot | Remote Access | 388 | Y |
Pizza | Remote Access | 50 | Y |
Plateau Trojan | Remote Access | 837 | Y |
PLATEN Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
PLATEN Fun Trojan | Remote Access | 104 | Y |
PLATEN-PO | Remote Access | 326 | Y |
Playstation 2 Emulator | Remote Access | 16 | Y |
PlayX | Remote Access | 384 | Y |
P.L. Direct | Remote Access | 305 | Y |
PLog | Information Stealer | 40 | Y |
PlugHackers | Remote Access | X | Y |
pMK_Veryfun | Remote Access | 20 | Y |
PocketRAT | Remote Access | 1021 | Y |
Podonok | Remote Access | 287 | Y |
PoeBot | Remote Access | X | Y |
Pointex | Remote Access | X | Y |
Poison Ivy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Poison-tipped Arrow | Remote Access | 739 | Y |
Polar Downloader | Webdownloader | 240 | Y |
Pollito | Remote Access | 162 | Y |
Poltergeist | Remote Access | X | Y |
Poly-DL | Webdownloader | 133 | Y |
Polyserver | Remote Access | X | Y |
Poor | Remote Access | 4 | Y |
Porkodio Server | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
Pornu | Remote Access | 7 | Y |
PortHack | Remote Access | 42 | Y |
Portal of Doom | Remote Access | 179 | Y |
Portless Backdoor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Port mapper | Stealth Proxy | 5 | Y |
Posejdon | Remote Access | 545 | Y |
Postal Bot | Remote Access | 376 | Y |
Postic | Remote Access | 1 | Y |
PowerBOT | Remote Access | 137 | Y |
Power Horse | Remote Access | 444 | Y |
PowerSpider | Remote Access | X | Y |
Power-Spy | Information Stealer | X | Y |
PPS | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Prado | Remote Access | 185 | Y |
Precursor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Predator | Remote Access | 280 | Y |
Pricol | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Primary HackTool | Information Stealer | 152 | Y |
Prior | Remote Access | 26 | Y |
Priority | Remote Access | 197 | Y |
Priv8 Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
PrivatePort | Remote Access | 499 | Y |
prjIP | Remote Access | 8 | Y |
Pro Agent | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Pro Backdoor | Remote Access | 57 | Y |
ProCat | Remote Access | 180 | Y |
Progenic Mail Trojan | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Progenic Trojan | Remote Access | X | Y |
Progetto1 | Remote Access | 20 | Y |
ProHide Downloader | Webdownloader | 103 | Y |
PROHOK | Remote Access | 1741 | Y |
Project Mayhem | Remote Access | 1607 | Y |
Projectnext | Remote Access | 195 | Y |
Project Satan | Remote Access | X | Y |
ProKeylogger | Information Stealer | 1017 | Y |
Promotion | Webdownloader | 273 | Y |
Propagueitor | Information Stealer | 33 | Y |
Propel | Remote Access | 22 | Y |
Prophet | Remote Access | 22 | Y |
ProRat | Remote Access | X | Y |
Prosiak | Remote Access | X | Y |
ProSpy | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Pro Stealer | Information Stealer | 3305 | Y |
ProtG | Remote Access | X | Y |
Protoss | Remote Access | X | Y |
ProxIce | Remote Access | 82 | Y |
ProxSky | Stealth Proxy | 681 | Y |
Proxy | Stealth Proxy | X | Y |
Proyecto-X | Remote Access | 139 | Y |
PRV-Downloader | Webdownloader | 21 | Y |
PS Devil | Information Stealer | 364 | Y |
pseudoRAT | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Ps-G | Information Stealer | 508 | Y |
PSPV K-Stealth | Information Stealer | X | Y |
P_Spy | Remote Access | 149 | Y |
PS-Ware IE PS | Information Stealer | 225 | Y |
Psw Yahoo | Remote Access | 255 | Y |
PsyberMind | Remote Access | 4112 | Y |
PsYber Streaming Server | Remote Audio Access | 488 | Y |
Psycho Derek | Remote Access | X | Y |
PSYchoFiles | Remote Access | X | Y |
PSYchoFTP | Remote Access | 385 | Y |
Psychward | Remote Access | X | Y |
PsyRAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
PT | Remote Access | X | Y |
PtakkS | Remote Access | X | Y |
PT backdoor | Remote Access | 237 | Y |
Ptsnoop | Remote Access | X | Y |
Public Webdownloader | Webdownloader | 9 | Y |
Puddy | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
Puerto Oculto | Remote Access | 9 | Y |
Punisher | Remote Access | 2109 | Y |
Puppet Baby | Remote Access | 2415 | Y |
Pure | Webdownloader | 389 | Y |
PvtBeast | Remote Access | 49 | Y |
PWD Trojan | Remote Access | 13 | Y |
PwdSender | Information Stealer | 33 | Y |
PW STEALER | Information Stealer | X | Y |
PW Thief | Remote Access | 96 | Y |