Trojan Information Archive
With KAV Detection Names
Trojan | Description | Size | Pic |
T06Trojan | Remote Access | 38 | Y |
T2009 | Remote Access | 400 | Y |
T2W | Remote Access | X | Y |
T543 | Remote Access | 26 | Y |
Takedown | Remote Access | 431 | Y |
TakeItDown | Information Stealer | 1015 | Y |
TakFanar-All-Pass-Sender | Information Stealer | 242 | Y |
TakFanar KeyLogger | Information Stealer | 116 | Y |
TakFanar logger | Information Stealer | 278 | Y |
Yps | Information Stealer | 69 | Y |
Takit | Remote Access | 38 | Y |
Tak-PS | Information Stealer | 619 | Y |
Taladrator | Remote Access | 2202 | Y |
Talex | Remote Access | X | Y |
TapTrap | Information Stealer | 70 | Y |
Tarantula | Remote Access | 31 | Y |
Tarop | Remote Access | 36 | Y |
TaSK-ER | Remote Access | 678 | Y |
Tasmer | Remote Access | X | Y |
Taupe | Remote Access | 46 | Y |
T.B.A | Remote Access | 4214 | Y |
TBT Nightmare | Remote Access | 51 | Y |
Tcc | Remote Access | X | Y |
T-Cmd | Remote Access | 19 | Y |
TcpQQ | Remote Access | 1194 | Y |
TCShell | Remote Access | X | Y |
TDC Logger | Information Stealer | 63 | Y |
tdongsdbot | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tdownloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Teamspeak Steal0r | Information Stealer | 311 | Y |
TeamViewer Rat | Information Stealer | 1452 | Y |
TechTrojan | Remote Access | 7 | Y |
TeeJayEm Keylogger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Teknojan | Remote Access | 4013 | Y |
Teleaxxor | Remote Access | 39 | Y |
Telecommando | Remote Access | 265 | Y |
Telnet Server | Remote Access | X | Y |
Telephone Number Sender | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Telserver | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Teman | Information Stealer | 14 | Y |
TemporalFTP | Remote Access | 109 | Y |
Tendoolf | Remote Access | 272 | Y |
TeraBIT RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
TeraBIT Virus Maker | Trojan | 131 | Y |
Terminal | Remote Access | 12 | Y |
Terminate | Remote Access | 119 | Y |
Terminator | Remote Access | X | Y |
Terror Trojan | Remote Access | X | Y |
TFAK | Remote Access | 2403 | Y |
TGA BackDoor | Remote Access | X | Y |
TGA Web-Download | Webdownloader | X | Y |
THC | Remote Access | 17 | Y |
The Cryptic | Information Stealer | 38 | Y |
Theef | Remote Access | X | Y |
The Event Horizon | Remote Access | 629 | Y |
The Fate of Doom | Remote Access | 1325 | Y |
The Flu | Remote Access | 577 | Y |
The Fog | Remote Access | 768 | Y |
The Hackers Office | Remote Access | 577 | Y |
The Hax | Remote Access | 2334 | Y |
The Infector | Remote Access | 9 | Y |
The Kill | Remote Access | 533 | Y |
The Klepto | Remote Access | 201 | Y |
The Lamer | Remote Access | 15 | Y |
TheOne | Remote Access | 2086 | Y |
The Prayer | Remote Access | X | Y |
The RAT | Information Stealer | X | Y |
The Reaper | Remote Access | 1175 | Y |
TheRebirth | Remote Access | 1193 | Y |
The Revenge Pack | Remote Access | X | Y |
The Ripper | Remote Access | X | Y |
The Spy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Theta | Remote Access | X | Y |
The Torment | Remote Access | 408 | Y |
The Ultimate Destruction | Remote Access | 157 | Y |
The Unexplained | Remote Access | 19 | Y |
TheWorm Trojan | Remote Access | 122 | Y |
The[X] | Remote Access | X | Y |
Thief | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Thing | Remote Access | X | Y |
ThirdEye | Remote Access | 38 | Y |
Threadsys | Remote Access | X | Y |
THS | Remote Access | 644 | Y |
ThunderKiss | Remote Access | X | Y |
Thunk | Remote Access | X | Y |
TibiaBOT | Remote Access | 640 | Y |
Tibia GG | Remote Access | 57 | Y |
Tibia Stealer | Information Stealer | 973 | Y |
Tibia SUX | Information Stealer | 669 | Y |
Tiger-Passwords | Information Stealer | 769 | Y |
TightVNC | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tikky Keylogger | Information Stealer | 674 | Y |
Tindler | Webdownloader | 278 | Y |
Tini | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tini Telnet | Remote Access | 31 | Y |
Tiny | Remote Access | X | Y |
TinyFWB | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Tiny HTTP Server | Remote Access | 6 | Y |
Tiny RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tiny Shell | Remote Access | 6 | Y |
Tiny Stupid | Webdownloader | 78 | Y |
Tiny Thing | Webdownloader | 471 | Y |
Tiny Uploader | Remote Access | 35 | Y |
Titan | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Titanic | Local Trojan / Joke | 109 | Y |
Titanium | Remote Access | X | Y |
Titi | Remote Access | 91 | Y |
Tivedo | Remote Access | 120 | Y |
TJ | Information Stealer | 142 | Y |
T.L.A.T | Remote Access | 70 | Y |
TLPilon | Remote Access | 1078 | Y |
TMS | Remote Access | 113 | Y |
TNT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tokkun2 | Remote Access | 379 | Y |
Tomato | Remote Access | 393 | Y |
Tometa | Remote Access | 90 | Y |
Tonerok | Remote Access | 10 | Y |
Tong Key Logger | Information Stealer | 364 | Y |
Top Rat | Remote Access | 1153 | Y |
Toppicc RAT | Remote Access | 1147 | Y |
Toquito Bandito | Remote Access | X | Y |
Total Damnation 666 | Remote Access | 399 | Y |
TotalControl | Remote Access | 12 | Y |
Total spy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tourniquet | Remote Access | X | Y |
Towerman | Remote Access | X | Y |
Toxic Backdoor | Remote Access | 178 | Y |
Toxic-CV | Destructive | 21 | Y |
Toxicity | Remote Access | X | Y |
Toxic-PS | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Toxic Trojan | Remote Access | 156 | Y |
Toxic WebDL | Webdownloader | 11 | Y |
TpT Spy | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Traffix RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Trail Of Destruction | Remote Access | X | Y |
Traitor21 | Remote Access | 262 | Y |
TransFile | Remote Access | 794 | Y |
Transistor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Transmission Scout | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tranzhva | Remote Access | X | Y |
Trappes | Information Stealer | 96 | Y |
Trendy Nig | Remote Access | 93 | Y |
Trillian Rape | Remote Access | 28 | Y |
TriRat | Remote Access | X | Y |
TRKShell | Remote Access | 9 | Y |
Tro | Remote Access | 13 | Y |
Trodjan | Remote Access | X | Y |
TroDuende | Remote Access | 4324 | Y |
Troia | Remote Access | 442 | Y |
Troj2k | Remote Access | 35 | Y |
Trojan | Remote Access | X | Y |
TroJanArray 1.0 | Remote Access | 356 | Y |
Trojan B'Gone | Remote Access | 326 | Y |
TrojanC | Remote Access | X | Y |
Trojan Controller | Remote Access | 432 | Y |
Trojan Cow | Remote Access | 522 | Y |
Trojan Dogg | Remote Access | 12 | Y |
Trojan Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Trojan for Pitbul | Remote Access | 472 | Y |
Trojan friend | Webdownloader | 16 | Y |
Trojan Horse Workshop | Remote Access | 1379 | Y |
Trojan-House | Remote Access | 595 | Y |
Trojan Invador | Remote Access | 27 | Y |
Trojanizary | Remote Access | 269 | Y |
Trojan-K | Remote Access | 2520 | Y |
Trojan Killer | Remote Access | 900 | Y |
Trojan Maniac | Remote Access | X | Y |
TrojanMule | Remote Access | 34 | Y |
Trojans Door | Webdownloader | 37 | Y |
Trojan Spirit | Remote Access | X | Y |
Trojan X | Remote Access | X | Y |
TrojMax | Remote Access | X | Y |
TrojNet | Remote Access | X | Y |
TROLL Downloader | Webdownloader | 153 | Y |
TroMessenger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Tron | Remote Access | 660 | Y |
Tronator | Information Stealer | 1222 | Y |
TroRat | Remote Access | 1185 | Y |
Troy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Troya | Remote Access | X | Y |
Troyano-Argentino | Remote Access | 1304 | Y |
Troyano de Malpayo | Remote Access | 508 | Y |
Troya Tools | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Troyen | Remote Access | 44 | Y |
TROY LixKe� | Remote Access | X | Y |
TruvaAti | Remote Access | 655 | Y |
True Horror | Remote Access | 33 | Y |
Try2Sniff | Local | 420 | Y |
Trylobite | Remote Access | 202 | Y |
TrySly | Remote Access | 1137 | Y |
TSClient | Remote Access | 19 | Y |
TShell | Remote Access | 23 | Y |
TSniper | Webdownloader | 473 | Y |
TsuRat | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tsunami | Remote Access | X | Y |
Tunnel | Stealth Proxy | 143 | Y |
TUploader | Remote Access | 813 | Y |
TurkHacKojan | Remote Access | 110 | Y |
Turkish Port Trojan | Remote Access | 813 | Y |
Turkojan | Remote Access | X | Y |
TurkSpy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Turtle Trojan | Remote Access | 376 | Y |
TWeb Web Server | Remote Access | 19 | Y |
TX | Remote Access | X | Y |
Txomin | Remote Access | 453 | Y |
TYCK | Remote Access | 2895 | Y |
TYO | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Tyran | Remote Access | 17 | Y |
Tyrant | Remote Access | 28 | Y |