Trojan Information Archive
With KAV Detection Names
Trojan | Description | Size | Pic |
Sacapass | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sacrificail Suicide | Remote Access | 70 | Y |
Sadahacher | Remote Access | 1881 | Y |
Sadam | Remote Access | 218 | Y |
Sadoor | Remote Access | 140 | Y |
SA Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Sahm | Remote Access | 1145 | Y |
Saifs | Remote Access | 53 | Y |
Sanctuary | Remote Access | 130 | Y |
Sandesa | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sandpath Remote Control | Remote Access | 702 | Y |
Sandra | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sanity RAT | Remote Access | 2708 | Y |
Sanya | Remote Access | 2836 | Y |
Saria Fake Logins | Information Stealer | 1875 | Y |
Satan | Remote Access | X | Y |
Satanic Control | Remote Access | X | Y |
Satanz Backdoor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Satax Trojanr | Remote Access | 385 | Y |
Satellite-RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Satellite 4600 Stealer | Information Stealer | 392 | Y |
Sattelite | Remote Access | 26 | Y |
SatanzCrew Notifier | Remote Access | 285 | Y |
Savage dDevil | Information Stealer | 391 | Y |
sbd | Remote Access | X | Y |
SB-MSN | Information Stealer | 700 | Y |
sBot | Remote Access | X | Y |
Scarab | Remote Access | X | Y |
Schadenfreude | Remote Access | 17 | Y |
Schedan | Remote Access | 162 | Y |
Schneckenkorn | Remote Access | 696 | Y |
School | Remote Access | X | Y |
School Bus | Remote Access | X | Y |
Schwindler | Remote Access | 448 | Y |
SC-KeyLog | Information Stealer | X | Y |
sClient | Remote Access | 862 | Y |
Scorpina | Remote Access | 2333 | Y |
Scottiez FTP | Remote Access | 36 | Y |
Scream | Remote Access | 1328 | Y |
Scream Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Screen Control | Remote Access | 153 | Y |
Screen Cutter | Remote Access | 354 | Y |
ScreenGrab | Remote Access | X | Y |
Screenlogger | Information Stealer | 473 | Y |
ScreenSpy | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Screen Thieve | Information Stealer | 478 | Y |
Scriptkid Backdoor | Remote Access | 102 | Y |
SD | Webdownloader | X | Y |
sdbot | Remote Access | X | Y |
Seabra Stealer | Information Stealer | 572 | Y |
Sean | Remote Access | 12 | Y |
Search & Send | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Seastar | Remote Access | 334 | Y |
Secret Down | Webdownloader | 33 | Y |
SecretKeylogger | Information Stealer | 1384 | Y |
Secret Service | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sect | Remote Access | 67 | Y |
Seed | Remote Access | X | Y |
SelfSoft Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Senna Spy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Senna Spy Trojan Generator | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sensive | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sentry | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sepro | Remote Access | X | Y |
SEQRAT | Remote Access | 450 | Y |
Sequel | Remote Access | X | Y |
Serbian Stealer | Information Stealer | 58 | Y |
Serenity | Remote Access | X | Y |
SerialPager | ICQ Pager | 843 | Y |
Serial Thief | Remote Access | 615 | Y |
Serman | Remote Access | 22 | Y |
Serv | Remote Access | 24 | Y |
Serveme | Remote Access | 73 | Y |
ServerSpyDD | Remote Access | 7 | Y |
ServerTalk | Remote Access | 48 | Y |
Servidor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Serv-U | Remote Access | X | Y |
Server Downloader | Webdownloader | 81 | Y |
S.E.T. AW Firewall Killer | Trojan | 937 | Y |
S.E.T. Downloader | Webdownloader | 1018 | Y |
S.E.T. Logger | Information Stealer | 1040 | Y |
S.E.T. Spy | Information Stealer | 1307 | Y |
SeTr | Remote Access | 435 | Y |
SEU_Peeper | Remote Access | 2230 | Y |
Seven Stealer | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SG-DDoS | Remote Access | 22 | Y |
Sh0ck Trojan | Remote Access | 511 | Y |
SH-45000 | Remote Access | 1578 | Y |
Shabo | Remote Access | 3 | Y |
Shade | Remote Access | 1402 | Y |
Shadorium | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
Shadow | Remote Access | 46 | Y |
Shadow Nanny | Remote Access | X | Y |
ShadowNet Remote Spy | Remote Access | 606 | Y |
Shadow of Dead Man | Remote Access | 444 | Y |
ShadowPhyre | Remote Access | X | Y |
ShadowRat | Remote Access | X | Y |
Shadow Remote Administrator | Remote Access | X | Y |
Shadows | Remote Access | 269 | Y |
Shaggy | Remote Access | 10 | Y |
Shah | Remote Access | X | Y |
Shalan | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Shang | Remote Access | 476 | Y |
Sharadex | Remote Access | 476 | Y |
SharaQQ | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Share All | Remote Access | 31 | Y |
Shared Resource Scanner | Remote Access | 1315 | Y |
Shark | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sharkan | Remote Access | 1576 | Y |
SharkI SteaLer | Information Stealer | 52 | Y |
Sharp KeyLogger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Sharp Ps | Information Stealer | 246 | Y |
Sharp Spy | Information Stealer | 309 | Y |
Sharp Trojan | Remote Access | 209 | Y |
Sharp Yahoo! Messenger | Information Stealer | 21 | Y |
SHEA | Remote Access | 697 | Y |
Sheep Goat | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sheeta | Remote Access | 1572 | Y |
Sheldor | Remote Access | 289 | Y |
Shell | Information Stealer | 167 | Y |
Shellcode | Remote Access | X | Y |
Shell_Me | Remote Access | 332 | Y |
Sherlok Holmes | Information Stealer | 10 | Y |
Shext | Remote Access | 138 | Y |
Shipo | Remote Access | 370 | Y |
Shit Heep | Remote Access | 157 | Y |
ShitLogger | Information Stealer | 366 | Y |
Shocker Bot | Remote Access | 68 | Y |
ShockRave | Remote Access | 32 | Y |
ShpinControl | Remote Access | 697 | Y |
Shuriken | Remote Access | 2449 | Y |
ShutAll | Remote Access | X | Y |
Shutdown | Remote Access | 1419 | Y |
Shut-it | Webdownloader | 29 | Y |
Sicirc | Remote Access | 11 | Y |
Siezer | Remote Access | 12 | Y |
Sigatarius_Spy | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Silent Assasin | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Silent CMD | Remote Access | 185 | Y |
Silent Backdoor | Remote Access | 13 | Y |
Silent Keylogger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Silent Spy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Silent Trigger | Remote Access | 617 | Y |
Silent Webdownloader | Webdownloader | 1035 | Y |
Silicoon Spammer | Remote Access | 310 | Y |
Silly | Remote Access | X | Y |
Silo Super | Remote Access | 1320 | Y |
Silver FTP | Remote Access | X | Y |
Simon | Remote Access | 33 | Y |
Simo Downloader | Webdownloader | 87 | Y |
Simo Spy | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Simple Web Downloader | Webdownloader | 74 | Y |
Simple Downloader | Webdownloader | 27 | Y |
Simple Proxy | Stealth Proxy | X | Y |
Simple RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Simply Hack | Remote Access | 19 | Y |
Sin | Remote Access | X | Y |
sinapse Keylogger | Information Stealer | 770 | Y |
Sineleta | Remote Access | 31 | Y |
Sinner | Remote Access | 853 | Y |
Sinf | Remote Access | 7 | Y |
Sinique | Remote Access | 750 | Y |
Sinister Uploader | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sinit | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sinred KeyLogger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SIN STEALER | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SIS-Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Sitehacking Trojan | Remote Access | 359 | Y |
Sivka-burka | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sixer | Remote Access | 34 | Y |
Skiddie | Remote Access | 641 | Y |
Skowr | Ransomwares | 15 | Y |
Skatan-bot | Remote Access | 116 | Y |
SkD RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
SkeenDL v1 | Webdownloader | 26 | Y |
SKL | Information Stealer | 17 | Y |
Skowisky Fire Trojan | Remote Access | X | Y |
Skrob Downloader | Webdownloader | 13 | Y |
SK Silencer | Remote Access | 36 | Y |
Skull | Remote Access | X | Y |
Skull Downloader | Webdownloader | 50 | Y |
Skullbocks | Remote Access | 6 | Y |
Skull De-Burrower | Remote Access | X | Y |
Skun | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sky | Remote Access | X | Y |
Skydance | Remote Access | X | Y |
Skyfiree Spy | Remote Access | 764 | Y |
SkyNet | Remote Access | X | Y |
SkyRat | Remote Access | X | Y |
Slackbot | Remote Access | X | Y |
Slandort | Remote Access | 13 | Y |
Slawek troj | Remote Access | 836 | Y |
Slayer616 Reverse Administrator | Remote Access | X | Y |
Slayeraeb RAT | Remote Access | 158 | Y |
Slayv Axis | Remote Access | 140 | Y |
Slh RAT | Remote Access | X | Y |
Slime | Webdownloader | X | Y |
SlimFTP | Remote Access | X | Y |
Slim Horse | Remote Access | 111 | Y |
Slinger | Remote Access | 284 | Y |
Slither | Remote Access | 39 | Y |
Small (Backdoor.Win32.Small) | Remote Access | X | Y |
Small BigBrother | Remote Access | 529 | Y |
Small Fun | Remote Access | 17 | Y |
Small Share | Remote Access | 7 | Y |
SmallTrojan | Information Stealer | 6 | Y |
Small Uploader | Remote Access | 404 | Y |
SMART | Remote Access | X | Y |
Smart-Hack | Remote Access | X | Y |
Smart World | Remote Access | 11651 | Y |
Smart-PS | Information Stealer | 49 | Y |
Smile | Remote Access | 12028 | Y |
Smit | Remote Access | 574 | Y |
Smoke Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
SM-PS | Information Stealer | 75 | Y |
SMTP Server | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
Snag | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SnakDos | Information Stealer | 26 | Y |
Snake | Remote Access | X | Y |
SnakeEater | Remote Access | X | Y |
Snake's Proxy Server | Stealth Proxy | X | Y |
Snap Door | Remote Access | X | Y |
Snape | Remote Access | X | Y |
Snart | Remote Access | X/font> | Y |
Snatch | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SndCom | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sneak | Remote Access | 5 | Y |
Sneaker | Remote Access | 279 | Y |
Snex | Remote Access | 9 | Y |
Snid | Remote Access | X | Y |
SniperNet | Remote Access | X | Y |
SniperSpy | Information Stealer | 804 | Y |
Snoopy | Remote Access | 35 | Y |
Snow | Remote Access | X | Y |
SnowDoor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Snurzi | Remote Access | 385 | Y |
Sociable | Remote Access | 669 | Y |
Sockets de Troie | Remote Access | X | Y |
Socks4 Proxy | Stealth Proxy | 93 | Y |
SoftWAR ShadowThief | Remote Access | 320 | Y |
Soheil-PS | Information Stealer | 72 | Y |
SohoAnywhere | Remote Access | 1653 | Y |
Solaris | Remote Access | 4190 | Y |
Solitaire FTP | Remote Access | 20 | Y |
Sometrouble | Remote Flooder | 459 | Y |
Sonick | Remote Access | 59 | Y |
Sonic-Spy | Information Stealer | 25 | Y |
SoniTroyen | Remote Access | 270 | Y |
Sood | Remote Access | 211 | Y |
Sophistication | Remote Access | 319 | Y |
SorousH PS | Information Stealer | 248 | Y |
Spadeace | Remote Access | 580 | Y |
Spark | Remote Access | 6 | Y |
Sparta | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spartan | Remote Access | 35 | Y |
SpecialTrojan | Remote Access | X | Y |
Specrem | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spectrum | Remote Access | X | Y |
Speed Downloader | Webdownloader | 689 | Y |
Speedup | Remote Access | 47 | Y |
Sphere | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sipder PS | Information Stealer | 381 | Y |
Spider Downloader | Webdownloader | 559 | Y |
Spie | Remote Access | 158 | Y |
Spieluhr | Remote Access | 435 | Y |
Spion | Remote Access | 397 | Y |
Spirit | Remote Access | X | Y |
Splash | Trojan | 181 | X |
Splinter | Remote Access | 479 | X |
Splitter | Remote Access | 182 | X |
Spook | Remote Access | 748 | Y |
Spotcom | Remote Access | 64 | Y |
Spy | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spy-4ull | Information Stealer | 1346 | Y |
Spy Agent | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SpyAnywhere | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spybot | Remote Access | X | Y |
SpYCQ | Information Stealer | 408 | Y |
Spy-Der | Information Stealer | 43 | Y |
Spy Downloader | Webdownloader | 57 | Y |
SpyGraphica | Information Stealer | 4134 | Y |
Spying King | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spy Iran | Remote Access | 438 | Y |
SpyKeySpy | Information Stealer | 689 | Y |
Spylife | Information Stealer | 84 | Y |
Spy Logger | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Spyman | Remote Access | 200 | Y |
SpyMaster | Remote Access | X | Y |
SpyMasterSnake FTP Trojan | Remote Access | 883 | Y |
SpyMon | Remote Access | X | Y |
SpyNet | Remote Access | X | Y |
SpyOne | Remote Access | X | Y |
SpyOutside | Information Stealer | 410 | Y |
Spy Program | Remote Access | 386 | Y |
SpySender | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spy Software | Remote Access | X | Y |
Spy System | Remote Access | 817 | Y |
Spytector | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SpyTrek | Remote Access | 423 | Y |
Spy Uploader | Remote Access | 39 | Y |
Spy Yahoo | Information Stealer | X | Y |
SRaT | Remote Access | X | Y |
sredir | Stealth proxy | 5 | Y |
SRNServ | Webserver | 137 | Y |
Srv | Webserver | 1111 | Y |
Srvcmd | Remote Access | 15 | Y |
SShare 2 | Remote Access | 33 | Y |
SSPPYY | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Stability | Remote Access | 65 | Y |
Stang | Remote Access | 37 | Y |
Stanislaw | Remote Access | 411 | Y |
Starcross | Remote Access | 318 | Y |
Starline | Remote Access | 515 | Y |
Stats | Remote Access | 24 | Y |
STC | Remote Access | X | Y |
Steal0r | Information Stealer | 11 | Y |
Stealth | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Stealth Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
Stealth Email Redirector | Information Stealer | 569 | Y |
Stealth Eye | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Stealth Lan Downloader | Webdownloader | 8 | Y |
Stealth Password Sender | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Stealth Port | Stealth Proxy | 8 | Y |
Stealth Proxy | Stealth Proxy | X | Y |
Stealth Recorder | Stealth Voice Recorder | 5270 | Y |
Stealth Redirector | Stealth Proxy | X | Y |
StealthShutdown | Remote Access | 307 | Y |
StealthSpy Beta 3 | Remote Access | 255 | Y |
StealthWatcher | Remote Access | 609 | Y |
Stealth WebDownloader | Remote Access | 609 | Y |
Steam-2-Mail | Information Stealer | 1413 | Y |
Steam Client Hacker | Information Stealer | 137 | Y |
Steam Fake | Information Stealer | 501 | Y |
Steam Phishing Tool | Information Stealer | 1553 | Y |
Steam Stealer | Information Stealer | X | Y |
Stigma | Remote Access | 110 | Y |
Stinky | Remote Access | 38 | Y |
Storm | Remote Access | X | Y |
Stream RAT | Remote Access | 1058 | Y |
Streaming Audio | Remote Access | 396 | Y |
Street Rat | Remote Access | 52 | Y |
StrikeBackdoor | Remote Access | X | Y |
Striker | Remote Access | 44 | Y |
StripWindow | Remote Access | 1563 | Y |
S-Trojan | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
STU | Remote Access | 674 | Y |
Stubbos | Remote Access | X | Y |
Stuck On You | Remote Access | X | Y |
Studio 54 | Remote Access | 199 | Y |
Stukach | Information Stealer | 156 | Y |
Stupid Bird | Remote Access | 156 | Y |
Su4DLL | Web Downloader | 2 | Y |
Sub7 Tool Webdl | Web Downloader | 247 | Y |
SubAH | Remote Access | 12 | Y |
Sub-Mariner | Remote Access | X | Y |
SubRoot | Remote Access Telnet | X | Y |
Subsari | Remote Access | X | Y |
SubSeven | Remote Access | X | Y |
Subus | Remote Access | 21 | Y |
Subwoofer | Remote Access | X | Y |
SubZero Alpha | Remote Access | 712 | Y |
Succubus | Remote Access | 399 | Y |
Sucker Matrix | Remote Access | 4 | Y |
Suckz Trojanh | Remote Access | 869 | Y |
SUF (Shell use FTP) | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sun Shadow | Remote Access | X | Y |
Suntbun | Remote Access | 6 | Y |
Sup | Remote Access | 3395 | Y |
Supcount | Remote Access | 38 | Y |
Superbot Trojan | Remote Access | 764 | Y |
Super Downloader | Webdownloader | 40 | Y |
Super Mail Trojan | Information Stealer | 203 | Y |
SuperMM | Remote Access | X | Y |
SuperMsnTrojan | Remote Access | 26 | Y |
Super spam bot | Remote Access | 15 | Y |
superSpy | Remote Access | X | Y |
SuperStar | Remote Access | X | Y |
SuperTrojan | Remote Access | 265 | Y |
Super Web Downloader | Webdownloader | 84 | Y |
Super Stealth Key Capturer | Information Stealer | 12 | Y |
Super Uber | Remote Access | 215 | Y |
SuperUPC | Remote Access | 5 | Y |
Supervisor Plus | Remote Access | X | Y |
Surdux | Remote Access | 28 | Y |
Surila | Remote Access | X | Y |
Svchost | Remote Access | X | Y |
SWD | Webdownloader | 10 | Y |
SweetHeart | Remote Access | X | Y |
Swift Remote | Remote Access | X | Y |
Swinia | Remote Access | 1392 | Y |
SWU32 | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sym | Remote Access | X | Y |
Symes | Remote Access | 40 | Y |
SynRat | Remote Access | X | Y |
Syn Spy | Remote Access | 40 | Y |
Syphillis | Remote Access | X | Y |
Sysad | Remote Access | 170 | Y |
Sysdll | Remote Access | 212 | Y |
Sysinst | Remote Access | 72 | Y |
SysMap | Remote Access | 27 | Y |
Sysmon | Remote Access | 464 | Y |
SysStats | Remote Access | 31 | Y |
System33r Downloader | Webdownloader | X | Y |
System33r Socks4 | Stealth Proxy | X | Y |
System33 Trojan | Remote Access | 31 | Y |
SystemDebug | Remote Access | 43 | Y |
System Down | Destructive | 931 | Y |
System Hacker | Remote Access | 34 | Y |
Sytr | Remote Access | 7 | Y |
Szaprika | Remote Access | 500 | Y |